The conservative elements of authoritarianism in the Military Dictatorship (1964-1985)



In this article, we will discuss conservative aspects present in the Military Dictatorship (1964-1985), having as a starting point an entry from the Dicionário crítico do pensamento da direita. We aim to demonstrate the historical intersection between conservatism and authoritarianism as constituent elements of capitalist society. Considering the autocratic characteristics of the bourgeoisie on the periphery of capitalism, conservatism is one of the instruments of this domination that takes authoritarian forms. In Brazil, authoritarianism had its conservative ideologues, national and foreign, that influenced the doctrinal bases of military governments. The intention is not to deny the diversity of political and ideological perspectives in the period, but to trace the trajectory of authoritarianism and its role in political, economic and social events, as well as highlighting its conservative foundations.


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Author Biography

Rodrigo de Souza Costa, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Mestrando em História Política

