Strong in the forum and in effrontery? Local authorities and republicans in post-Proclamation periodicals: Santa Cruz-RN (1889-1902)


  • Francisco Alves da Fonseca Neto Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)


The present article pretends to explore the political disputes between local authorities and republicans groups in the Santa Cruz potiguar municipality, Seridó region, in the years just after the Proclamation of Republic. For this purpose, newspapers from the period were the main sources, mainly the entitled A República, instrument to explore the cases of two characters of the political and social life from that locality. The results and analysis presented in this research aim to examine the multiple strategies adopted by the agents, with emphasis on the use of the press, from the micro to the macro. From a local perspective, reveal the echoes of a general background of effervescence and tension in power relations.


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