Masses in memory: celebrations commissioned in Mariana’s will (1748-1848)


  • Karina Aparecida de Lourdes Ferreira Universidade Federal de Viçosa


Mariana, Masses, Wills


This article aims to reflect on the masses commissioned by the testamentary population of Mariana between 1748 and 1848. The liturgical celebrations were understood as the instrument of salvation of the soul par excellence and were based on an appeal to memorization. From this point of view, the study intends not only to identify the main mass standards, but also to promote the identification of similarity groups based on the expressed preferences. It is intended, more closely, to compare the requests of testers more and less referred to the ties of family sociability and between Portugal borners and natives, seeking their similarities and differentiations, through which it becomes possible to argue that the feeling of belonging was a defining element in the choice of the funeral rites directed to the salvation of the soul.


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Author Biography

Karina Aparecida de Lourdes Ferreira, Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Graduada em História Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) - Brasil


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