Things and men: flour mills, material culture and experiences of everyday "farinhadas"



flour mills, material culture, experience


This article aims to work on the relationship between things and men in a space/place that we could call "place of memory" very important for the small and medium flour producer in the Baturité Massif between the 1960s and 1970s specifically in the municipality of Itapiúna. Focusing on the analysis of memories flaps and empirical observation of these "openair museums" have tried to question the relationship between material and immaterial aspects forged in the contact body / tools that complement each other in a reciprocal process between the animate and the inanimate reframed the each use. In a way we direct our gaze for a subsistence activity that has endured over time , which with its changes and continuities arrived until today. Throw light on the crucial historical role of experience , the " know-how " of Farinhada masters in their daily activities , the involvement of people and things together forged in amalgamates this relationship, the historical process.


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Author Biography

Francisco Evandro de Araújo, Universidade Estadual de Ceará-UECE

Graduado e Especialista em História pela Universidade Estadual de Ceará – UECE – FECLESC – Quixadá; Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa História, Cultura, Memória e Educação – HICUME da Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira – UNILAB – Redenção, vinculado ao CNPq. E-mail:;; Professor na Faculdade Maciço de Baturité – FMB.


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