The “barbarity” as a contradiction of “Democracy Consensual”: brief dialogue with the Human Rights acclaimed post 1945


  • Rener Marques Vilela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU


Democracy, Barbarism, Human Rights


The practice of “barbarity” by the United Totalitarian the 2nd GM , which in its final stage led to the collapse of these schemes, did emerge strengthening democracy in the world after the year 1945, interpellating global policies for the establishment of “Human Rights”. Relying on the concept of “Democracy Consensual” Jacques Rancière, the emergence of a democratic regime should represent the guarantee of justice of political forms, but the appropriation of democracy as a state regime into question democracy itself, with the criticism of design and perspective of universalizing democracy promovedora of “Human rights”. So historically we see the contradiction of the West incorporating terror actions, trying to justify them in the light of a progressive and humanitarian discourse.


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Author Biography

Rener Marques Vilela, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU

Graduação em História pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU

Professor de História do ensino básico (ensino médio e pré vestibulares). Rede privada em Uberlândia-MG, Uberaba-MG, Araguari-MG.


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