Shot Towards Childhood – An Intersemiotic Proposal: Pain Is an Equilateral Triangle, by Norma Lazo


  • María Esther Castillo García Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro Author



Lazo, childhood, semiotics


The scriptural stroke and the camera shutter are related symbolic and semiotically, within Norma Lazo’s novel El dolor es un triángulo equilátero. Norma Lazo is a mexican writer whose interests include literature, film, photography and psychoanalysis. This article intends to show the relevance of the described images in the plot, in which its double manipulation modify the representation and the sense of a sexual abuse, parricide and suicide history where the detonating situation is triggered during childhood. The memory of mental and physical abuse, when conjugating two languages, reveals and enhances its artistic and ethical meaning in the socially and culturally affected eyes.


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Dossiê - Literatura e Fotografia - Fotoficção e Fotojornalismo

How to Cite

Shot Towards Childhood – An Intersemiotic Proposal: Pain Is an Equilateral Triangle, by Norma Lazo. (2014). Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 24(2), 177-188.