Between Lines and Trees: A Study on Julio Cortázar and Piet Mondrian


  • Fábio José Santos de Oliveira Universidade de São Paulo/Université Paris 8



Julio Cort´ázar, Piet Mondrian, Comparative literature, literature and arts


In the short story “Manuscrito hallado en un bolsillo” (Manuscript found in a pocket), from the book Octaedro, by Julio Cortázar, there are some references to the work of the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. Taking this into consideration, we seek to analyze the importance of these references for the meaning of this short story, as well as study the points at which, disregarding the specificities of their respective arts, Cortázar’s text is or is not in contact with Mondrian’s work in relation to esthetic data. When we speak about esthetic data we are referring to the processes of text construction and to the production of meaning based on the way the text (the short story or the painting) is structured.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, F. J. S. de. (2013). Between Lines and Trees: A Study on Julio Cortázar and Piet Mondrian. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 23(3), 45–58.



Dossiê - Intermidialidade - Parte II