Surrealism Experimentations and Approaches of the “Night”: Analyzes of the Metaphorical Discourse in Paul Éluard and Murilo Mendes


  • Carolina Cunha Carnier Universidade de São Paulo/Université Lumière Lyon 2



Éluard, Murilo Mendes, metaphor, mimesis, night


Many are the examples of the way the metaphors of the night enrich the poetry as representation of the world. Especially in the Surrealistic Poetry, the construction of a lateral system of references, directly connected to a wider and discursive organization contributed to the foundation of other way to represent and to present the universe related to the sign of the night. This paper aims to analyze some examples in the poetry of Paul Éluard, one of the most important poet in the French literature, and Murilo Mendes, Brazilian poet linked to the Modernist movement and attached to a number of surrealistic mechanisms in order to express a Brazilian lecture of the innovations the Parisian movement brings. An especial attention made to the structure and the functions assumed by the words related to the mimetic domain of the night, reveals how some surrealistic procedures and linguistic experimentations are capable to created alternatives to a model of representation based on conveniences and a logic codification of the literature language.


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Author Biography

Carolina Cunha Carnier, Universidade de São Paulo/Université Lumière Lyon 2

Doctorante en régime de cotutelle (Université Lumière Lyon 2 - Universidade de São Paulo, USP), Carolina Cunha-Carnier développe des recherches concernant la poésie moderne, en particulier les avant-gardes et le modernisme français et brésilien. Au-delà des textes modernes et contemporains issus des domaines lusophone et francophone, l’imbrication des arts plastiques, de la philosophie et du texte littéraire font parti de ses champs d’intérêts.



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How to Cite

Carnier, C. C. (2015). Surrealism Experimentations and Approaches of the “Night”: Analyzes of the Metaphorical Discourse in Paul Éluard and Murilo Mendes. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 25(1), 51–67.



Dossiê - O Noturno na Literatura e nas Artes