Between Dissonances and Subverions: Formal Experimentation in the Narratives of Ferréz and Claudio Galperin


  • Ana Paula Franco Nobile Brandileone Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná
  • Mariângela Alonso Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná



formal experimentation, Ferréz, Claudio Galperin


This paper aims to discuss the displacement and the subversion of the most traditional concepts of literary genres, having as the object of study the short stories “Pega ela” by Ferréz and “Justice” by Claudio Galperin. The issues raised analyze the potentiality of the formal experimentation in both narratives, trying to establish a relation of mediation with the social reality in which they were produced. Through dissonant dialogues, the structure of “Pega ela” makes possible new ways of thinking the dramatic narrative by mimicking the rhythmic structure of the rap, resulting in ambiguities and rejections of conventions and methods. Likewise, “Justice” points to the narrative fragmentation that, by merging mechanisms and expressive resources connected to the dramatic text and to the cinema, breaks with spatial and temporal constructs. Taken together, these strategies converge to the theme of violence in the contemporary Brazilian literature, insofar as they enhance discontinuities and ruptures as the creative strength of these authors’ fiction.


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How to Cite

Brandileone, A. P. F. N., & Alonso, M. (2018). Between Dissonances and Subverions: Formal Experimentation in the Narratives of Ferréz and Claudio Galperin. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 28(1), 13–28.



Dossiê – A Questão dos Gêneros Literários na Modernidade