Frogs: The Mimesis of Dionysus


  • Elisana De Carli Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Aristophanes, Frogs, mimesis, theater, comedy, tragedy


The reading of the plays by the comediographer Aristophanes (450-385 B.C.) allows us to identify a recurring subject: the theatrical activity and its elements. In Frogs, a play which depicts a trip took by the theater’s god Dionysus, worried about the ways and rules of his art, and committed to recovering the tragedy’s glory. In order to do so, by setting two phases in the play’s plot and structure, the character stages his hybrid disposition and transformation possibilities that reflect elements of theatrical composition. Thus, this study focuses on how this repertoire was presented, highlighting the correlation between structure and content of the theatrical text, emphasizing the aesthetic composition of the author and work through Dionysus, who conducts the play as an aesthetic, scenic, and metatheatrical object.


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Author Biography

Elisana De Carli, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Departamento de Artes - Curso de Artes Cênicas.


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How to Cite

Carli, E. D. (2019). Frogs: The Mimesis of Dionysus. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 29(1), 127–139.



Dossier – From Word to Scene – Intineraries of Theater in the West