On the Difficulty of Naming a Production of the Present: Rancière and Laddaga and the Regimes of the Arts


  • Ieda Magri Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro




contemporary literature, modernity, postmodernity, contemporary, regimes of the arts, Rancière, Laddaga


We propose a reflection on some ways of thinking and naming artistic-literary production of the present from the text “In what time do we live?”, by Jacques Rancière. Thus, we seek answers to the implications of thinking about the time in which we live as a post time. A time that, for Rancière, must be seen as non-homogeneous, a time in which ruptures and intervals occur, making the global time and individual time not matching once again. For Rancière, our post time, as far as the way of reading art history is concerned, is still the time of the Aesthetic Regime, which succeeded other two Regimes, the Ethical and the Poetic or Representative. Reinaldo Laddaga, an Argentinean who settled in the USA, disagrees with Rancière and sees rupture where he sees continuity. Thus, for Laddaga, after the Aesthetic Regime, we would have entered what he calls the Practical Regime of the Arts. This discussion makes us see what these terms represent in contrast to the idea of Modernism and Postmodernism.


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Author Biography

Ieda Magri, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Doutora em Literatura Brasileira pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), professora adjunta do departamento de Literatura Brasileira e Teoria da Literatura da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Desenvolveu seu Pós doutorado na UFRJ a partir dos mapas de escritores latino-americanos de Roberto Bolaño e sua influência no contexto literário da América Latina. É autora dos romances Ninguém (7Letras, 2016), Olhos de bicho (Rocco, 2013, finalista do Prêmio São Paulo de literatura) e Tinha uma coisa aqui (7Letras, 2007) e do ensaio O nervo exposto: João Antônio, experiência e literatura (Lume, 2013). Organizou, com Paulo Moreira e Saulo Lemos, o e-book Literatura e crítica contemporânea na América Latina.


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How to Cite

Magri, I. (2019). On the Difficulty of Naming a Production of the Present: Rancière and Laddaga and the Regimes of the Arts. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 29(3), 229–248. https://doi.org/10.17851/2317-2096.29.3.229-248



Dossier Literary theory and criticism in presente time