Translating Oneself Po-ethically




ethical relationship, translating oneself, e/i(m)-migrant, version


In this essay, we propose discussing the ethical issues involved in the translation relationship, particularly in the so-called version, that is, when translating one-self to/in the other. Thus, we propose, first of all, revisiting a specific discursive tradition on translation’s ethical issues, stemming from Antoine Berman’s “ethical turning point” in The Experience of the Foreign, and its developments in authors such as Anthony Pym (1997), Lawrence Venuti (1993), Mona Baker (2019), Gayatri Spivak (1993, 2005), and Henri Meschonnic (2007). Afterwards, we make a distinction between the notions of foreigner and e/i(m)-migrant, in order to think about the experience of e/i(m)-migrant in the action of translating oneself. In order to distinguish between translating and translating oneself, we address directionality and affectivity issues in/of the translator-subject. In short, to think of an ethical relationship of translating oneself in/with/for the other, of getting out of oneself, affecting oneself with/by the other, getting back to oneself and affecting the other, is presented in our essay in the ethos of the e/i(m)-migrant as this action’s paradigm.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, A. M. A. (2020). Translating Oneself Po-ethically. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 30(4), 43–64.



Dossier – Ethics in literary translation