Approaching Robinsons' discursive school




Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe, robinsonade, narrative theory


This essay aims to characterize a discursive school founded by Daniel Defoe with the publication of Robinson Crusoe three hundred years ago. The hypothesis that Robinson Crusoe inaugurates an important tradition for the development of the novel as a genre is supported through the observation of its formal economy and its presumed reading responses, which change over time, as shown by comparisons of different narratives that restore somehow the original model of Defoe in new contexts, such as The Swiss Family Robinson (Johann David Wyss), Godfrey Morgan (Jules Verne), Suzanne and the Pacific (Jean Giraudoux), Friday or the other Island (Michel Tournier), The Sexual Life of Robinson Crusoe (Michel Gall), and The Invention of Morel (Adolfo Bioy Casares). The dissimilarity between these titles contributes to the understanding of the continuities at stake as well as to outlining the distinctiveness of Defoe’s fiction in perspective.


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How to Cite

Bonomo, D. (2021). Approaching Robinsons’ discursive school. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 31(2), 223–243.



Dossier: “Robinson Crusoe”: A Three-Century Journey