“Mysterious realm”

Fitzcarraldo, feminism and postcolonial theory





comparative literature, feminist philosophy, postcolonial theory, colonial mimicry, Fitzcarraldo


This text draws on the discussion about Comparative Literature in Death of a Discipline, by Gayatri Spivak (2003), in order to elaborate a typical feminist and postcolonial close reading, motivated by partial and localized knowledge and by an active relationship with the text to be read. Once formulated, this way of reading will help us retell the story of Fitzcarraldo, Werner Herzog's film, through the indigenous people’s perspective. Even though resistant to contact, the indigenous population surprisingly help Fitzcarraldo to navigate and become indispensable in his journey. The junction of transdisciplinary feminist concepts and the necessarily political postcolonial approach allows this essay to go deep into the “mysterious realm” Herzog mentions in his journals written during the filming.


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How to Cite

Santos, C. C. dos . (2021). “Mysterious realm”: Fitzcarraldo, feminism and postcolonial theory. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 31(3), 15–34. https://doi.org/10.35699/2317-2096.2021.29098



Dossier – The transfuge: migration and transgression in literature