

gender, theater, movie theater, feminism, Guillermo Calderón, Roberto Bolaño


This article reflects on the boundaries of gender in the construction of male writings reread under the eyes of female directors, these thresholds are investigated from feminist readings of texts by Chileans Roberto Bolaño (1955) and Guillermo Calderón (1971). Specifically, we analyze two works by Roberto Bolaño: Una novelita lumpen (2002) taken to the cinema, but which perfectly could be taken to the theater, by Alicia Scherson (1974) entitled Il futuro (2013) and Los detectives salvajes (1998), based on an assembly proposal imagined from our perspective. In a similar exercise, we analyzed the montage of the play Classe (2019), performed by the theater group XXX under the direction of XXX (1955), a translation of the original text Clase (2008) written by playwright, director and screenwriter Guillermo Calderón. We do not intend to create a model of continuity that allows us to understand, as a homogeneous whole, male writing about women, but rather to analyze concrete cases that make it possible to create questions and debates that contribute to this reflection.


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Author Biography

Sara Rojo, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais/ Brasil



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How to Cite

Ribas, J., & Rojo, S. (2024). LOOKS IN THE REPRESENTATION OF WOMEN:: DRAMATURGY, GENDER AND CONTEXT. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 33(4), 52–75. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/aletria/article/view/44624



Dossier - Forms of Modern and Contemporary Dramaturgy