Some Poetry, No Poetry at All

Early Romanticism’s General Poetics and Some Poems by Drummond



early german romanticism, poetry of nature, modern literature, Drummond, Rancière, aesthetic revolution


Comparing texts by the Schlegels with the treatise on imitation in fine arts by Batteux, this article analyses how early German romanticism communicates to modern literature an unrestricted idea of poetry, conceived not as a well-marked affair but as something diffuse in the world. I believe this generalized poetics conceives the relation speech/action in a way that destabilizes intellectual intentionality and the idea (essential to classical poetics) of poetry as a luxury of refined spirits. However, this legacy hasn’t always been welcomed by posterior criticism. Such is the case of Candido’s reading of Drummond, which resurrects conceptions inherent to the classicism and denies poetical character to a speech stranger to control by a subject.


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How to Cite

Gutierrez, M. C. (2024). Some Poetry, No Poetry at All: Early Romanticism’s General Poetics and Some Poems by Drummond. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 34(1), 41–56. Retrieved from



Poetry and philosophy: the actuality of early German romanticism