Erich Auerbach and the “History of Opinions” on Dante in German Romanticism



Erich Auerbach, Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy, German Romanticism, Romance Philology


In „Entdeckung Dantes in der Romantik” (1929), Erich Auerbach conducted a “history of opinions” on Dante in Germany, defending the hypothesis that the first more fundamental unitary readings of the Divine Comedy emerged in Romanticism. In his view, the origin of the Dantean history could be traced back to Giambattista Vico and revered authors of the Sturm und Drang, which is intriguing when considering the preceding traditions, disregarded by the philologist in his text. The reason for this silence, it is argued, would be the conduct of a dispute for the construction of his own theoretical project, lies in the pursuit of establishing one’s own theoretical project focused on the restoration of the historicity of poetic texts in contrast to the stylistic proposition of separating these domains.


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How to Cite

Reis, P. (2024). Erich Auerbach and the “History of Opinions” on Dante in German Romanticism. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 34(1), 87–101. Retrieved from



Poetry and philosophy: the actuality of early German romanticism