The Function of Orality in João Antônio and Geovani Martins

Lexical and Syntactic Aspects



João Antônio, Geovani Martins, literatura brasileira, análise linguística, oralidade, estilo


Based on the confrontation between the use of orality conceived by João Antônio (1937–1966) and Geovani Martins (1991–), this essay aims to analyze lexical and syntactic aspects that represent the basis of the aesthetic construction carried out by the two authors. For that, the short story “Paulinho perna torta”, by João Antônio (1965), and the novel Via Ápia, by Geovani Martins (2022), will be related. Although the reproduction of expressiveness, rhythm, phrasing, orality tournaments certainly constitutes the basis of the two writers’ poetics, there are substantial differences, determined by a double factor: 1) the specificity of the literary genre in which the two works analyzed fit; 2) distinct linguistic (and ideological) aspects in the two texts. In this sense, as we will see, the use of the word “trickster” signals a dividing line between two different aesthetic choices.


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How to Cite

Khéde, R. S. (2024). The Function of Orality in João Antônio and Geovani Martins: Lexical and Syntactic Aspects. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 34(1), 153–166. Retrieved from