Performing Translation as Practice-Led Research: The Case of Carr’s “By the Bog of Cats…” in Brazil


  • Alinne Balduino P. Fernandes Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Mots-clés :

theatre translation, collaborative process, dramaturgical interventions, dialect


This article offers a retrospective analysis of aspects of my translation for the stage of Marina Carr’s By the Bog of Cats… into Brazilian Portuguese. By focusing on the iterative aspects of theatre translation as well as the translation of dialect, this article will elaborate the notion that theatre translation takes place at both individual and collaborative levels in which the translator works in dramaturgical capacity. These two levels cannot be dissociated because they constantly influence and inform one another. Although theatre translation begins as an individual task, originating in the complex act of reading the play-text, its final trajectory is deeply influenced by the creative insights of the production team. The overarching objectives of this article are, therefore: firstly to account for the overall process of translating for the stage, from the early drafts of the translation to the rehearsal process, and ultimately to the staged reading of the play; and secondly, to offer a narrative for how the cultural encounter between the exporting and importing cultures has taken place through translation and theatrical performance.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Alinne Balduino P. Fernandes, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Alinne Fernandes concluiu seu doutorado em tradução teatral na Queen’s University Belfast, Irlanda do Norte, em 2012. Durante o doutorado, traduziu e participou da produção da peça By the Bog of Cats... da dramaturga irlandesa contemporânea Marina Carr em Florianópolis (SC) em 2011. Também durante o doutorado, lecionou História do Teatro Brasileiro para alunos de graduação da Queen’s University. Além disso, de 2005 a 2014, atuou como tradutora em diversos projetos, como legendagem, interpretação simultânea, tradução de comerciais e localização de software. Atualmente é professora efetiva do Departamento de Língua e Literatura Estrangeiras da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.


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Comment citer

Fernandes, A. B. P. (2015). Performing Translation as Practice-Led Research: The Case of Carr’s “By the Bog of Cats…” in Brazil. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 25(2), 311–329.



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