The antimicrobial action of domestic solutions on yeast candida


  • Lidianne Gama Cabral Coelho Universidade Vale do Rio Doce
  • Lourimar Viana N. F de Souza Universidade Vale do Rio Doce
  • Elaine Alves de Oliveira Bióloga, Especialista em Imuno-patologia
  • Suely Maria Rodrigues Universidade Vale do Rio Doce
  • Andréa Maria Duarte Vargas Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • Efigênia Ferreira e Ferreira Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Candida albicans, Domestics solutions, Prosthesis hygiene


This comparative study aims to assess the in vitro antimicrobial activity of solutions for domestic use on species of Yeast Candida. The experiment was separated into two stages. In the first stage, using the Agar Sabouraud diffusion method, vinegar, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium hypochlorite were assessed regarding their inhibition activity against species of Candida albicans. The second stage characterized the fungus’s resistance to the solutions by means of test results regarding the power of germicide activity. The results revealed no halo of inhibition in any of the analyzed solutions. It can therefore be concluded that domestic uses are virtually ineffective against Candida Albicans. Likewise, the home-made prescription for buccal and prosthesis hygiene recommended by the dental surgeons has no effect whatsoever on this yeast.


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How to Cite

Coelho, L. G. C., Souza, L. V. N. F. de, Oliveira, E. A. de, Rodrigues, S. M., Vargas, A. M. D., & Ferreira e Ferreira, E. (2016). The antimicrobial action of domestic solutions on yeast candida. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 44(1). Retrieved from




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