Physiological, vegetative and productive characteristics of radish in different planting spacing




Raphanus sativus, Plant density, Plant Spacing


The radish is one of the oldest vegetables to be grown. However, there are few studies on the ideal spacing and population density. Then the purpose was to determine the influence of different plant spacings and physiological, vegetative and productive characteristics. The treatments consisted of four spacings between plants (0,05, 0,10, 0,15 and 0,20 m) combined with a maximum number between the 0,10 m lines. The vessels of the motions were distributed in a fully delineated design at the same time with nine replicates. Was evaluated chlorophyll content, the number of leaves per plant, fresh and dry weight, mass and diameter of the root and productivity. It did not verify the significant difference for the contents of chlorophyll and number of leaves per plant. The significant effects of the fresh mass in relation to the area/plant, where the values between plants are smaller, lower weight per plant. The total production of root per plant was affected by spacing, where the smallest spacing presented the highest yield with an average of 4,16 t ha-1. No effect of spacing was found for the physiological ones. The 0,10 m 0,10 m plants for the vegetative and productive plants in the radish.


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How to Cite

Almeida, H. A. C. ., Silva, S., Silva, T. L. ., Fernandes, F. L., & Sena Fernandes, M. E. (2020). Physiological, vegetative and productive characteristics of radish in different planting spacing. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 12, 1–6.



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