Evaluation of non-paved roads as a management tool in the city of Viçosa, MG





Public Mangement, Rural Development, Rural Roads


The objective of this work was to evaluate the rolling conditions of unpaved roads and to determine the Condition Index of Unpaved Roads (ICRNP) in the municipality of Viçosa. The work was carried out in the municipality of Viçosa-MG, where field expeditions were carried out to collect information from the VCS 020, VCS 080, and VCS 082 highways, for this purpose the ICRNP was calculated, an index that determines the roads referring to the state of conservation taking into account some types of defects. To delimit the drainage area of the Rio Turvo Sujo basin that influences the rural roads of the municipality, a digital elevation model of the Alos/Palsar sensor was extracted, with 12.5 m of spatial resolution and delimited the elevation, slope, and hydrography of the basin processed in the ArcGIS 10.5 program. Precipitation data from the rain station located in the city of Viçosa were also used to assess the effect on the condition of the roads. The evaluated points had a low value in the ICRNP, being the lowest for the point VCS 020/1 with a value 16. The basin of the Turvo Sujo River has a great influence on the conditioning of the road due to the high slope and high altimetric amplitude, which favors the concentration of the water in less time, causing flooding as on the VCS 080 highway. The roads had low traffic conditioning, requiring continuous monitoring and correction of defects that affected the worsening of the roads to guarantee access to public services and transport for the population.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, R. A., Ferreira , A. C. S., Ferreira , A. S., & Dias , H. C. T. . (2020). Evaluation of non-paved roads as a management tool in the city of Viçosa, MG. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 12, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.35699/2447-6218.2021.25256



Scientific Reports
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