Does seed treatment affect wheat yield components?




Ears, Grain yield, Tillers, Triticum aestivum L.


A variety of products have been used on seeds to maintain or increase their grain yield potential. In this study, we evaluated the effect of different seed treatment products, such as micronutrients, polymer, fungicide, and insecticide on the yield components and grain yield of wheat. Wheat seeds of the cultivar “Tec Vigore” were subjected to 12 treatments, in different combinations, using the following protective seed products: micronutrient 1 (1% Mn, 0.1% Mo, 10% Zn), micronutrient 2 (0.3% B, 0.3% Co, 3% Zn), polymer (ColorSeed HE®), fungicide (Vitavax®-Thiram 200 SC), and insecticide (Cruiser® 350 FS). At the point of physiological maturity, we proceeded with the following evaluations of the wheat crop: the number of tillers per plant, the number of fertile tillers per plant, grains per ear, the mass of grains per ear, and grain yield. Seed treatment did not affect the number of grains per ear or the mass of grains per ear. The number of tillers per plant and the number of fertile tillers per plant were higher in seeds treated with fungicide + insecticide; however, seed treatment did not significantly affect wheat grain yield.


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How to Cite

Freiberg, J. A., Ludwig, M. P. ., & Girotto, E. . (2021). Does seed treatment affect wheat yield components?. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 13, 1–5.



Scientific Reports
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