Stock plant nutrition determines the quality of propagules




Boron, Nitrogen, Rhizogenesis, Vegetative propagation, Zinc


Mineral nutrition is a determining factor in adventitious rooting, with involvement in morphogenetic responses, biochemical and physiological processes. The influence of minerals on the success of rooting is correlated with the nutritional status of the donor plant, as it determines the amount of carbohydrates, hormones and other metabolic compounds essential to induce root and vegetative development. Although rooting and mineral nutrition are closely related, few studies have been published aiming to characterize the effects of specific nutrients. In this context, based on information available in the literature, an analysis of the role of some nutrients involved in adventitious rhizogenesis of cultivated species via vegetative propagation was carried out. Thus, it is pertinent to consider that if the nutrient is involved in the plant's metabolic processes and enables dedifferentiation to form the root meristem, it is essential for rhizogenesis. Thus, it is inferred that nitrogen, phosphorus, zinc and boron are necessary elements for some species during the vegetative propagation process as they directly participate in the rooting process.


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How to Cite

Guirra, B. S., Silva , M. F. ., Silva , J. E. S. B. ., & Guirra, K. . . S. (2021). Stock plant nutrition determines the quality of propagules. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 13, 1–6.



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