Article Review Policy and Peer Review

Peer-review Process (Double-Blind) 

Agrarian Sciences Journal uses a double-blind peer-review system, where the reviewers do not know the names or affiliations of the authors and the reviewer reports provided to authors are anonymous. The peer-review system is used to assess the quality of a manuscript before its publication. Reviewers assist editors in making editorial publication decisions, but the final decision is issued by the Editor-in-Chief.

Authors are given the chance to designate names to be considered by the Editor-in-chief as reviewers according to model.


Review process flowchart 

Editorial Team reviews the work before submitting it to the Scientific Committee. In this analysis, aspects such as scope, presentation of the manuscript in accordance with the Standards and compliance with the mandatory items for submission.

The papers rejected at this stage will be returned to the authors and the others will be submitted to the evaluation of expert reviewers of the technical area. The evaluation is performed by the double-blind review model.

At this stage, criteria are evaluated for quality of work and relevance, exact formulation of objectives, clarity of writing, theoretical foundation, updating and comprehensiveness of the literature cited, consistency and methodological precision, results with significant scientific contribution, discussion of the facts observed in relation to those described in the literature, quality of tables and figures, originality and consistency of the conclusion.

Each evaluator will make recommendations for the article and may also include direct indications in the text of the evaluated article. In case of disagreement between the indications made by the evaluators, a third ad hoc evaluator will be included in the evaluation. Authors will receive the opinion with specific dates to meet the requested corrections, or with the rejection of the article. Upon completion of the evaluation and final approval, the authors will receive a proof copy for evaluation prior to publication. which and will be available in a continuous flow, in order of final approval.

Any change in the status of the submitted manuscript and any decision will be communicated to the authors via email registered in the system. However, it is up to the corresponding author to follow the entire editorial flow of the manuscript submitted on the OJS / SEER platform, since he/she has the password for access.