Types of publications

Manuscripts submitted to the Agrarian Sciences Journal must be original, not yet published, or submitted in other journals or broadcast. The Journal publishes AUTHENTIC RESEARCH, TECHNICAL COMMUNICATIONS, and LITERATURE REVIEWS (at the invitation of the editorial committee). Manuscripts written in Portuguese or  English  may be submitted. Manuscripts in English will have priority in publication

AUTHENTIC RESEARCH: their results are based on hard data obtained experimentally, collected in the literature, or from other reliable sources. They should be basically structured as follows: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and References.

TECHNICAL COMMUNICATIONS: These are manuscripts that describe innovative and important events in the field of Agrarian Sciences. They should be written with a focus on results or authentic proposals. The reports published are expected to make important contributions to the scientific community.

LITERATURE REVIEW: These are manuscripts that bring scientific contributions on important topics in the area of Agrarian Sciences, as defined by the editorial committee.