Uma leitura da educação à luz das teorias sociológicas de Émile Durkhein, Max Weber e Talcott Parsons: um ensaio de interpretação


  • João Valdir Alves de Souza


Sociologia, Teoria Sociológica, Sociologia da Educação


The purpose of this article is to clarify the main theoretical and methodological postulations of three classical authors of Sociology. It is also aimed to analyse how the educational question is considered by each author. Since the term education is generally used as a synonym for school, I point out the specificity of the school instructional role as compared with the amplitude of its educational role which surpasses the limits of the school.


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How to Cite

Souza, J. V. A. de. (2023). Uma leitura da educação à luz das teorias sociológicas de Émile Durkhein, Max Weber e Talcott Parsons: um ensaio de interpretação. Educação Em Revista, 13(20-25). Retrieved from