Filosofia da Educação: saber de fronteiras e de conexão


  • Vanna Iori


Philosophy of Education, Pedagogy, Epistemology


The present text approaches the Philosophy of Education in its relationship with Education, Pedagogy, the Sciences of Education and with Philosophy itself. It shows the influence of positivist tendencies on pedagogic knowledge, which are based on a reduction of the concept of scientism, contributed for a negative view of the Philosophy of Education. The article also affirms that an activity which intends to organize a consistent theoretic basis for Pedagogy embracing its logic, methodologies, finalities and models, as well as its relationships with other sciences and its meanings, cannot be accomplished without the support of the Philosophy of Education.


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How to Cite

Iori, V. (2023). Filosofia da Educação: saber de fronteiras e de conexão. Educação Em Revista, 19(37). Retrieved from