Remote sensing techniques for temporal analysis of the Lagoa Grande water mirror in the city of Sete Lagoas – MG
Remote sensing, geotechnology, spatio-temporal analysis, water resourceAbstract
In recent years, many studies have been developed on the pressures that water bodies have been suffering due to urbanization, industrialization and other uses that directly and indirectly impact the quality of these natural resources. The lake surfaces play an important role in the environmental quality of urban areas and neighborhoods. The municipality of Sete Lagoas is characterized by low availability of surface water, so urban water consumption (residential, industrial and other uses) is obtained almost entirely (about 95%) from underground wells. Water recharge areas are extremely important for maintaining this water extraction. Lagoa Grande is a perennial lake body that has had a decrease in its water mirror in the last ten years, worsening significantly in the last five years. This work aims to demonstrate such reduction using remote sensing resources combined with statistical analysis, in order to explore the potential of these methodologies in monitoring environmental variables. The results obtained by application of remote sensing images proved to be efficient in detecting the decrease of water mirror in Lagoa Grande. During the study period (2008 to 2018), a significant reduction in the area of Lagoa Grande was identified in comparison with the other lagoons that compose the study (decrease of the water mirror in the order of 81%).
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- 2022-04-15 (2)
- 2021-07-02 (1)
Copyright (c) 2021 Fernanda Mara Coelho Pizani, Max Paulo Rocha Pereira, Matheus Miranda Silva, Marcos Antônio Timbó Elmiro
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