The Amazonida Jewish Identity in Paulo Jacob

the Third Margin of the River


  • Karina Marques Université de Poitiers



Paulo Jacob, Amazônia, Identify


Our article deals with the autobiographical novel Um pedaço de lua caía na mata (1990) by the Jewish writer Paulo Jacob (1921-2003). This work portrays the history of Sephardic Jewish immigration in the Amazon region through the journey of exile of the protagonist Salomão. Our thesis is that each period of your life – sailing on the boat Jerusalem and docking in Parintins – would correspond to a dimension of Jewish identity: "Hebrewism" and "Israelism", second André Neher (2007). Divided between opening up to the world or preserving his uniqueness as a Jew, the construction of a “third-space”, in the conception of Homi Bhabha (2007), uniting Jewish mystique to Amazonian folklore, allows him to transfigure this internalized conflict. Jacob thus proposes the construction of an Amazonida Jewish identity.


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How to Cite

Marques, K. (2021). The Amazonida Jewish Identity in Paulo Jacob: the Third Margin of the River. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 15(29), 45–59.