The Sabbath is the Jewish day of rest

multiculturalism and religious pluralism




Judaism, Cryptojudaism, Shabbat


Judaism was the first Abrahamic monotheistic religion, or so called the Israelite religion. The objective of this work is to show the issue of the importance of Shabbat and the inclusion and respect for Jews in their culture in societies that intend to be multiculturalists where Jews live as citizens, whose greatest example would be the problematic functioning of public and private schools, universities and working days from Monday to Saturday, the ostethical ideal would be to create legislation and offer alternative forms of days and times for studies and work to Jews and other Sabbatical peoples so as not to exclude the Jewish people from their own culture, where the Shabbat is the core of Jewish conviviality whether in person or in virtual, digital or online form, the Shabbat service has specific days and times in the weeks starting on Friday night and ending on Saturday night, in a 24-hour cycle. Hours of Shabbat. The methodology used was the bibliographic review and online Jewish informational sources. It denounces violations of the Jewish people being free in democratic and supposedly inclusive countries and points to proposals for the emancipation of the Jewish people as a fully integral part of contemporary democratic societies.


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How to Cite

Lima, A. F. de, & Lima, A. F. de. (2023). The Sabbath is the Jewish day of rest: multiculturalism and religious pluralism. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 17(32), 171–182.