Agnon's wall of tears and Bialik's toothache


  • Shmuel Avneri



Translation, Shmuel Avneri, Nancy Rozenchan


Translation of Agnon's Wall of Tears and Bialik's Toothache, by Shmuel Avneri, by  Nancy Rozenchan.

About the first image that Agnon saw of Biálik even before they met, he excitedly tells Gália Yardeni: "I remember the day I saw a photograph of Biálik for the first time, still in the small town. And you can imagine what that would mean. was it for me? With what admiration, with what emotion my eyes 'devoured' the portrait of the poet!". This admiration for the poet persisted, in fact, although I also had differences of opinion, which did not prevent these two personalities from collaborating. despite the great difference in character, behaviors and attitudes towards a series of issues.


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How to Cite

Avneri, S. (2023). Agnon’s wall of tears and Bialik’s toothache. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 17(32), 219–226.