Mapping Metacognitive Teaching Strategies for Science Education: A Systematic Literature Review
metacognitive teaching strategies, Metacognition, Science Teaching, systematic reviewAbstract
Science education should help students better understand the world around them. It should also provide different decision-making and problem-solving skills. Metacognitive strategies are thus necessary to engage pupils more purposefully in their learning. The purpose of this review was to identify metacognitive teaching strategies utilized in scientific education in the hopes of assisting teachers in yielding better cognitive learning outcomes. This paper presents a compilation of two systematic reviews available at the CAPES’ Periodicals Portal, one from 1997 to 2017, performed for a master's thesis, which revealed 20 strategies, and another from 2018 to 2021, which identified 14 additional ones. This mapping went through stringent inclusion and exclusion criteria before being cataloged using Zotero®. In terms of publication date, country of origin, educational level, subject content, and research design, the strategies were briefly explained and mapped. The majority of papers were experimental or quasi-experimental research, most of which were related to primary school mathematics instruction. It was also possible to draw the conclusion that these strategies have the ability to deliver students with self-assessment, management, and self-regulation of their learning process.
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