How about the Shine? Scientific and Hip-hop Meanings to Teach Science
Scientific Knowledge, Shine, Hip-hopAbstract
Scientific knowledge and its forms of social appropriation shape subjects according to their imaginary formation. With this paper, we aim to describe and interpret the form and the content of the term ‘shine’ in hip-hop songs (rhythm and poetry), through transitions of meaning that articulate it either as a luminous phenomenon or as a sociological saying. Thus, we analyze the term in musical and audiovisual lyrics by Brazilian rappers—i.e.: Emicida, from São Paulo, Karol de Souza, from Paraná, and Baco Exu do Blues, from Bahia—so that we can point out conditions of production of such meanings in conjunction with scientific knowledge and other readings, which provided interdisciplinary and intercultural discussions for science teaching. With this thought-provoking analysis, we conclude that dissident and racialized discursive formations reveal ethnic-racial equiphonies and equipotencies that can be employed as a complementary strategy for Science Education.
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