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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text makes a significant contribution to science education research.
  • The contribution is original, unpublished and authored by the authors.
  • The text was not submitted for evaluation in another journal.
  • The abstract presents a clear summary of the research and results.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors.
  • Foreign citations are translated into the language used in the text.
  • The text does not present any data and/or metadata that allow the identification of authors during the evaluation, such as: name and institutional affiliation; project names and project coordinators; references and citations of the authors, including in the list of references, place, title or place of master's or doctoral defense, acknowledgments, funding, etc.
  • The file for submission is in PDF format and does not exceed 5MB.
  • All works cited in the body of the text are properly mentioned and are in the reference list.
  • The institution of all authors is informed in the submission registration system.
  • The ORCiD identifiers of all authors are entered in the submission register.
  • Figures inserted in the text have a quality compatible with the guidelines for authors (minimum 300 dpi in JPEG or PNG), with sufficient contrast for legibility.
  • Authors have copyright or written authorization for use by copyright holders of figures, tables, broad texts, etc. that are included in the work.
  • If the research involves humans, it was approved by the ethics committee.

Author Guidelines

Submission guidelines

The texts submitted to this journal should be original, that is, may not have been published in other media. They may have started scholarly works and papers at scientific conferences, but the text should never be equal to such works. It should be an expanded version of the conference paper. Any submission identified as being the last or the lowest text at the same time of the work presented at a scientific congress - that is, it can be characterized as self-plagiarism - will not be sent for evaluation..

Still considering ethical aspects, it is essential that:

  • no data, text or idea of other people be presented as if it were authored by the author(s), that is, the text submitted cannot contain plagiarism. To avoid this to happen, it is compulsory to credit the original publication of the data, text, or idea, whether by quoting literally, summarizing, or paraphrasing them. In the case of a literal citation, the author(s) must use quotation marks. In the case of material protected by copyright, the author(s) must attach the appropriate permission for using them;
  • no data, image or graphic has been manufactured or manipulated in order to legitimate any conclusion made by the author(s);
  • the author(s) do not commit self-plagiarism, that is, do not use substantial parts of their previous works in the manuscript.

As of 2016, all accepted submissions undergo plagiarism analysis through the use of appropriate software for this purpose and subsequent content analysis by the publisher. Submissions in which we identify the presence of plagiarism and / or self-plagiarism are canceled and the authors are informed of the reason for the cancellation.

In the case of empirical work, it is necessary that the study was completed when submitting the manuscript.

In the case of empirical work involving human beings, the author(s) must have followed the ethical norms of this type of research. Such ethical procedures should be included in the methodology section of the manuscript.

Submissions are exempt from any fees, as well as the entire process of review, production and publication of papers.

Submissions that do not follow the guidelines will be canceled.


Texts can be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English, and proofreading is always a responsibility of the author(s). Their non-observance may be grounds for rejection of the manuscript.

In any case, it is compulsory to present a Resumo (an Abstract written in Portuguese) with up to 250 words and an Abstract (written in English). Both texts should be clear and follow the linguistic prescription for the languages in which they are written. This means that the Abstract should not be a literal translation of the Resumo or vice-versa.

Formatting the submitted text

Texts submitted to this journal must be 15 to 25 A4 pages long, formatted in accordance with the orientation presented on the GUIDELINES, which is available HERE.

Figures and tables should be inserted in places considered adequate by the author(s).

Figures must be of sufficient quality for printing, that is, they must have been inserted from .tif files with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. They must be authored by the author(s) or they must have written permission to use them from their owners/authors when they are protected by copyright. Such document may be requested as a condition for publishing the paper (if accepted).

Dossiê Centenário de Paulo Freire

Política padrão de seção


Política padrão de seção

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided here and will not be available for other purposes or to third parties.