The Representations of Stephen Hawking in the Biographical Movies




Stephen Hawking, Representation of scientist, Movies, Scientific culture


This article aims to analyze two biographical films of Stephen Hawking in order to identify the representations of the scientist present in cinematographic works. For this, the investigation was based on film analysis and categorization following the main representations identified in the literature. The analysis identified the most common representations present in the scenes and sequences in which the protagonist acted, taking into account the context for certain actions of the scientist. The results indicated that the analyzed works, which belong to a biographical genre, are also bound to permeate stereotypes that contribute to a distorted view of the scientist and scientific work, just as it happens in other cinematic genres.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, J. ., Lima, G. ., & Aguiar Jr., O. G. (2021). The Representations of Stephen Hawking in the Biographical Movies. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, e29624, 1–30.




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