Affectiveness and teaching

brands of two unforgettable professors of the Mathematics area




Affectivity, Pedagogical decisions, Student-professor relationship, Higher education


This paper analyzes narratives about two professors identified as unforgettable – professionals who positively mark their students’ lives. To do so, an interview was conducted with a professor at a public university. Furthermore, a virtual poll was held at the university where this professor works, and he was named by one of the respondents as his unforgettable professor. With this, it was possible to align the statements of the respondents, identifying the marks left by professors which were transferred to teaching practice. The decisions and pedagogical practices of the unforgettable professor classified in nuclei and subnuclei were identified in the narratives. Recognizing the professor's mediation and realizing the affection contained therein, which were expressed in the interviews, give us examples of how this mediation and the decisions in teaching planning affect and mark the students.

Author Biographies

  • Ana Paula Silva Figueiredo, Universidade Federal de Itajubá (UNIFEI), Itajubá, MG, Brasil

    Graduada em Engenharia Mecânica e mestre em Qualidade e Produtividade (UNIFEI). Professora da Universidade Federal de Itajubá (UNIFEI). Atua nas áreas de Educação a Distância e Design Instrucional (UAB/CAPES – Universidade Aberta do Brasil). Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Unicamp, na linha de pesquisa de Educação em Ciências, Matemática e Tecnologias.

  • Sergio Antônio da Silva Leite, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas, SP, Brasil

    Graduado em Psicologia (PUC Campinas), mestre e doutor (USP). Professor titular da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Possui experiência na área de Psicologia Educacional com atividades de ensino, pesquisa e orientação nos temas: afetividade, alfabetização e letramento, formação de professores, ensino e aprendizagem. Coordenou o Espaço de Apoio ao Ensino e Aprendizagem (EA2), vinculado à Pró-reitoria de Graduação da Unicamp. Coordena o Grupo do Afeto.






How to Cite

Affectiveness and teaching: brands of two unforgettable professors of the Mathematics area. Revista Docência do Ensino Superior, Belo Horizonte, v. 9, p. 1–17, 2019. DOI: 10.35699/2237-5864.2019.13490. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.