The meanings of cancer survival
from loss of self-control to optimism and hope
Survivorship, Cancer Survivors, Oncology Nursing, Anthropology Medical, Qualitative ResearchAbstract
Objective: to interpret the meanings attributed to cancer survival among sick adults and the elderly. Method: exploratory study with qualitative approach with narrative
and referential method of medical anthropology. Fourteen adult and elderly individuals who had completed primary treatment for at least three months in a university hospital
and had a diagnosis of urological cancer (bladder, prostate, kidney, testis) participated in the study. A semi-structured interview was conducted at the participants' homes from October 2014 to November 2015 and after transcription were analyzed according to inductive thematic analysis. Results: after analysis and interpretation of the data,
two main categories were obtained - from loss of self-control and uncertainty of disease recurrence to body surveillance; and the secret of cancer survival: the feeling of optimism and hope. Conclusion: After interpretation of the senses it became evident that cancer survival is a process permeated by loss of self-control, uncertainty, fear of recurrence, associated with multimorbidity and vigilance, but that sooner or later it may lead the cancer survivor to personal growth, attaching more value to your life and being optimistic.
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