The care and monitoring of adolescents in primary health care: a literature review
Adolescence, Primary Care, Family Health, the Adolescent HealthAbstract
The development of public policies for the care of adolescents is becoming a priority in Brazil. This fact can be explained by the increase of population and also by the inefficiency of the already implemented programs to promote health and prevent diseases. This study is a literature review on the care of adolescents at primary level, with the objective to know the organization and characteristics of this monitoring. In most cases, attention to the adolescent is focused on specific problems with organic causes. The characteristics related to psychosocial development are not being taken into consideration and that can explain why they resulted failed. Within this context, the Family Health Strategy, associated with professional training, appropriate infrastructure and adolescents' inclusion in the planning of actions are determinant in the reform of primary care to adolescents, in order to improve the support to this social segmentDownloads
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The care and monitoring of adolescents in primary health care: a literature review. REME Rev Min Enferm. [Internet]. 2010 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];14(2). Available from: