Prolonged postoperative fasting

A neglected problem




Postoperative Period, Diet, Fasting, Prescriptions, Thirst


Objective: to analyze the fasting time and type of the diet prescribed for the food reintroduction during the postoperative period of different surgical specialties. Method: this is a quantitative, retrospective, documentary, and descriptive study with medical records of surgical patients. The study had a randomized and stratified sample with 464 patients carried out in a large public university hospital in Paraná. We performed a descriptive statistical analysis, presenting measures of central tendency and their confidence intervals. Results: the mean post-operative fasting was 9:54 hours (SD: 6:89), ranging from 8 to 30 hours. The cardiac surgery, thoracic surgery, and neurosurgery were the clinics that presented the longest fasting time with  verages of 18:25, 14:45, and 12:22 hours, respectively. Regarding the diet prescription in the immediate postoperative period, 51.3% of the patients received a general diet, 15.3% a light diet, and 11.9% fasted for the first 24 hours after the surgical procedure. Conclusion: the fasting time found in this institution exceeds the current recommendations of national and international protocols, showing an increase in discomfort for the surgical patient such as thirst, hunger, and stress, in addition to dissatisfaction with the service provided by the health team.


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How to Cite

Tofani V, Milhorini CR, Paladini GM, Gaspar LO, Garcia AKA, Pierotti I, Conchon MF, Nakaya TG, Nascimento LA do, Fonseca LF. Prolonged postoperative fasting: A neglected problem. REME Rev Min Enferm. [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 8 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];26. Available from:


