Transition to palliative care
facilitating actions for cancer client-centered communication
Medical Oncology, Communication, Palliative CareAbstract
Introduction: the professional-client interpersonal relationship becomes fundamental in the transition to palliative care so that together they can improve communication at that time and align care to the client's wishes. Objective: to analyze how the cancer client evaluates communication in the transition to palliative care; identify your needs and preferences regarding
this communication related to your prognosis, decision making and family participation; and present a proposal for facilitating actions for communication in the transition to palliative care, based on the needs and preferences mentioned by the client. Method: convergent care research conducted at a federal hospital in Rio de Janeiro, with 15 cancer patients. A semi-structured interview was used,
followed by a dialogue with each participant. Thematic analysis applied. Results: in the evaluation of the participants, the welcoming, the attentive way, the truth
information and the simple and accessible language were essential elements to build a relationship of trust and enlightening communication about the moment lived. Still, clients were looking forward to more information about their treatment and prognosis. Although the majority mentioned the preference for the truth, family
participation and active participation in the treatment, others demonstrated the preference for not knowing in order not to suffer, non-family participation and passivity in the participation in the treatment. Conclusion: it will be from the prioritization of active listening actions, welcoming, respect for autonomy and the use of clear and accessible language that the professional will create the necessary bond and be more successful in carrying out a communication centered on the needs and preferences of the cancer client.
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