Risk for falls in the perioperative period
cross-mapping nursing intervention and activities
Nursing, Accidental Falls, Perioperative Care, Standardized Nursing Terminology, HospitalizationAbstract
Objective: to identify nursing care intended to prevent falls among perioperative patients in the literature and cross-map them with interventions/activities proposed by the Nursing Interventions Classification for the nursing diagnosis “risk for falls”. Methods: descriptive study conducted in three stages: search for nursing care reported in the literature; identification of NIC intervention; and cross-mapping based on linkage between NANDA-I/NIC. Results: the 214 care actions identified in the literature were mapped with 84 activities distributed in 26 NIC interventions. The intervention with the highest number of correspondences with the literature was prevention of falls, which resulted in 70 mapped activities, followed by the intervention risk identification and supervision, with 35 and 19 activities, respectively. Conclusion: all the care actions identified in the literature presented correspondences to some NIC intervention/activity. Preventing falls among perioperative patients requires ensuring environmental safety; that patients, companies and workers be educated and sensitized; the early identification of risks; in addition to continuous nursing supervision.
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