The free republic of liberland
libertarian utopia
Utopia, Libertarianism, Minarchy, Anarcho-capitalism, SoberaniaAbstract
This article starts with a simplified analysis that seeks to delimit the key points of libertarianism as an ideology and its two main and diametrically opposed schools: minarchy and anarcho-capitalism. Afterwards, this article aims to report the facts surrounding the foundation of the Free Republic of Liberland, a state proclaimed between Croatia and Serbia by three friends in 2015, based on essentially libertarian aspects such as the absence of economic intervention by the state and the absence of non-voluntary taxes. During the analysis of the aspects that make up Liberland, this article aims, without any pretension of exhausting the themes, to expose significant social and legal implications that are, thanks to the technologies included in the formation of Liberland, unprecedented in the history of The National States.
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