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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • [IMPORTANT] All modalities of contribution (articles, reviews, interviews, translations, artist writings and visual essays) must strictly observe the rules described in the Guidelines for Authors, including the rules concerning the submission of images (see in the guidelines for authors the item "Detailing on image formatting"). Submissions outside the standards will be rejected..


  • The submission file is in LibreOffice or Microsoft Word document file format.


  • All texts are submitted to orthographic, grammatical and stylistic revision. The editorial team reserves the right not to publish articles whose reformulation disregards the reviewer's suggestions without reasonable justification.


  • The authors maintain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution BY-NC License. After the publication of the articles, the authors remain with the copyright and republication rights of the text.


  • This submission is in one of the following languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian and French.


  • Only those articles that comply with all the general rules described herein will be considered submitted.

Author Guidelines


1 General rules

  •  Articles submitted for publication must be original and unpublished
    and their simultaneous presentation/publication/posting in another periodical, media, social network, or any other means is not permitted;
  •  After previous evaluation by the Editors, the articles are submitted to the ad hoc reviewers (in a system of double anonymous peer review, carried out by at least two reviewers), who may accept, refuse or suggest changes to the author;
  •  Articles submitted with multiple authorship are reviewed with the understanding that all listed authors are in agreement with the submission and that the final version of the article was seen and approved by all co-authors;
  • Only articles of individual authorship of doctoral candidates or PhDs will be accepted. Master’s students who wish to publish must do so in co-authorship with a PhD. Undergraduates, graduates, or specialists (with a specialization title) cannot submit articles, not even when they are co-authored by a doctor;
  • Texts will be accepted in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish and Italian;
  • The text must be duly revised by the author. The editorial committee reserves the right to review and make any necessary changes. Texts that present problems with form, style, and/or adequacy to the magazine's standards will be rejected.
  • Each author can only publish one text per year in PÓS, regardless of its sections.

2 Formatting

  • Papers should be submitted in LibreOffice (.odt) or Word (.docx) format using standard serif fonts (Liberation Serif, Times New Roman or Calibri), body 12. Paragraphs should be justified and spaced between lines 1.5. Pages should be A4 size, with top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm, and side margins of 3 cm. The text should not exceed the number of words corresponding to the type of submission;
  • Articles must have between4,000 and 10,000 words (from title to references) and a maximum of seven (7) images;
  • In the header of the article the title should be indicated without any mention of authorship, in view of the blind evaluation by pairs. Pay attention to the metadata that registers authorship in the document properties. To remove this information from LibreOffice, follow the instructions in the official documentation. For Word, follow the instructions from Microsoft. This data must be reported exclusively in the specific fields of the submission form;
  • All information about authorship and institution/affiliation (Department, Faculty and University where the author[s] teaches or conducts graduate studies) must be correctly filled in the "authorship/metadata" field of this submission system (OJS) and should not exceed the limit of 120 words;
  • The structure of the articles must strictly comply with the following order:
    • Title in the original language of the text;
    • Title translated into Portuguese and another foreign language (English, French, Spanish and Italian); 
    • An abstract in the original language of the article text using the verb in the active voice and the third person singular; highlighting the objective, method, results, and conclusions of the article; use of concise sentences in a single paragraph that does not exceed 120 words;
    • Abstract translated into Portuguese and another chosen foreign languages. The word ABSTRACT (or corresponding in the original language of the article: ABSTRACT, RESUMEN, RÉSUMÉ, RIASSUNTO) must be written in capital letters, followed by a colon and in bold;
    • A set of keywords, at least 3 and at most 5, identifying the content of the article. The expression Keywords (or corresponding in the original language of the article: Palavras-chave, Palabras clave, Mots-clés, Parole chiave) must appear below the abstract, highlighted in bold and followed by a colon. The set of keywords must be separated from each other by a period. The abstract and keywords must be followed by a summary and keywords in Portuguese and then another language of the author's choice (English, Spanish, Italian and French);
    • Introduction
    • Text body (section titles with terminology at the author's discretion
    • Final considerations (with terminology at the author's discretion)
    • References.
  • All bibliographical references should be indicated in a footnote. Additional and indispensable references, which may not have been cited throughout the text, should be included at the end of the file under the section "Complementary Bibliography".
  • Terms in languages other than the language of the text must be written in italics;
  • In the body of the text, titles of works (paintings, sculptures, films, videos, etc.) must be in italics. Exhibition titles must be enclosed in quotation marks;
  • Acronyms, when mentioned for the first time in the text, must be indicated in parentheses and preceded by the name in full;
  • Explanatory notes must appear as a Footnote, with continuous Arabic numerals throughout the text.

3 Citations

Citations must comply with NBR 10520 (ABNT, 2023) and the author-date calling system.

  • The surname of the author (or responsible institution) is indicated followed by the date and page of the citation:

- when the surname of the author (or responsible institution) is included in the text: indicate it with only the first letter capitalized and open parentheses to mention the date and page consulted;

- when the surname of the author (or responsible institution) is not an integral part of the text: indicate it in parentheses followed by the date and page consulted.

  • Direct quotations: exact transcription of the text of other authors. Direct quotations of up to three lines must be enclosed in double quotation marks; Direct quotations with more than three lines must be indented to the left of 2 cm, font size 11, spacing 1 between lines, without the use of quotation marks.


    To De Certeau (2013, p. 64), history would be “an art of discourse that would modestly erase traces of a work”.

    “You cry, you laugh, you participate at will and you feel in communion with the entire social body” (Maffesoli, 2005, p. 122).Indirect quotations: reproduction of ideas from other authors using new words.

  • Citation of citation: reproduction of information cited by other authors without having access to the original document cited


Regarding how relationships between artists and different audiences can occur, we find it in the notions of “artist as anthropologist”, by Joseph Kosuth (1975 apud Johnstone, 2008, p. 182-184).

“(...) no painter puts his hand on the brush except Piero” (Baxandall, 1972, p. 20 apud Becker, 1982, p.16).

  • Interventions practiced in citations:

 o To suppress parts of a quote: use ellipses in square brackets [...]

o To add comments to the citation: indicate this information in square brackets [ ]

o To highlight part of the quote: use bold in the expression to be emphasized and provide our emphasis. (Author, 2017, p. x, emphasis added)

  • For data resulting from information received in lectures and debates, indicate in parentheses (verbal information) and mention the data in a footnote;
  • For data originating from works in the preparation phase, indicate in parentheses (in the preparation phase) and mention the data in a footnote;
  • Citation of several works by the same author published in the same year: add sequential lowercase letters immediately after the date and without using space. Author (2020, 2020b) or (Author, 2020a, 2020b);
  • Citation of several works by the same author published in different years: separate the year with a comma. Author (2013, 2016, 2020) or (Author, 2013, 2016, 2020);
  • Citing works by different authors: indicate them in alphabetical order followed by the date and separated from each other by a semicolon. (Author1, 1979; Author2, 2020);
  • Quotes in a foreign language other than the language in which the text is written must be translated and indicated as our translation. (Author, 2020, p. x, our translation).

4 Image formatting

  • Authors must provide the images they want to include in their texts;
  • The journal is not responsible for obtaining the copyright of images;
  • Authors must cite the image in the body of the text, indicating it with the abbreviation (fig. X) as close as possible to the location of the figure;
  • Image captions arranged throughout the text must be presented below the image, complying with the following standard:

Fig. (number in ascending order). Image subtitle. Source: (indicate authorship, email address, etc.)

  • Images must be in .jpeg or .png and with a resolution of 72 dpi;
  • All images, following the specifications indicated above, must be attached at the time of submission as a “supplementary document” on the OJS platform.

5 References

References must follow the recommendations of NBR 6023 (ABNT, 2018) and be listed at the end of the text under the title References (they must not appear in a footnote), represented with single spacing, aligned to the left margin and separated from each other by a Single space blank line.

  • Works with four (4) or more authors should include all names; you can also indicate just the name of the first author followed by the expression et al;
  • For all online documents, the electronic address and access date must be indicated at the end of the reference;
  • When more than one work by the same author is presented in the list of references, the surname and first name must be repeated instead of using dashes.


  • Books:
    • SURNAME, Name. Title of the book in bold: subtitle (if present). Edition. City: Publisher, year. ISBN (optional).
  • E-books: 
  • SURNAME, Name. Title of the e-book in bold: subtitle (if present). Edition. City: Publisher, year. E-book.
  • Book chapters:
    SURNAME, Name. Chapter title. In: SURNAME, Name (of the organizer of the work, if it's the same author of the chapter put ___.). Title of the book in bold. City: Publisher, year, p. 0-0.
  • Electronic periodical articles: 

SURNAME, Name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in bold, City of publication, v., n., p. 0-0, abbreviated month. year.DOI: http:/ (optional).

Available at: http://www.enderecocompletododocumento. Accessed in: abbreviated day, month, and year.

  • Trabalhos apresentados em eventos:

SURNAME, Author's name. Title of work: subtitle (if any). In: EVENT NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS, Nº., Year, City of event. Publication title: subtitle (if any). City of publication: Publisher, Year. p. start-end of work.

  • Theses and dissertations:

Last name. Title of thesis/dissertation in bold: subtitle (if any). Advisor: Name of advisor (optional). Year of presentation. Total number of sheets/pages. Thesis/Dissertation (Doctorate/Master's degree in concentration area X) – Name of Faculty or School, Name of University, City, Year of defense.

  • Exhibition catalogues:

SURNAME, Artist's name. Catalog title in bold: subtitle (if any). Edition. City of publication: Publisher, Year. Exhibition catalogue, start-end day, abbreviated month and year of the exhibition, Place of the exhibition.

The artist's FIRST NAME in capital letters followed by the surname (when the artist's name is the catalog title). Edition. City of publication: Publisher, Year. Exhibition catalogue, start-end day, abbreviated month and year of the exhibition, Place of the exhibition.

TITLE OF THE EXHIBITION/BIENNAL/SALON IN CAPITAL LETTERS, No., Year, City of exhibition. City of publication: Publisher, year. Total pages. Exhibition catalogue.

  • Correspondence (ticket, letter, card):

SURNAME, Sender's name. [Correspondence]. Recipient: Name of the recipient (if any). City, abbreviated day, month and year. 1 personal card.

  • Films and videos:

TITLE of the film with initials in capital letters. Director: Name of the director or producer. City of publication: Publisher, Year. 1 blu-ray disc (00 min).

  • Iconographic documents (painting, drawing, engraving, photography, etc.):

SURNAME, Artist's name. Title of the painting/drawing/engraving/photography. Year of the art's conception. Support specifications (1 print / 5 postcards / 2 photographs etc.).

  • Show programs:

COMPANY NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Title of the dance/theater/music/circus or other show. Director: Name of the director. City of publication: Publisher, Year. Prospectus.

  • Laws and decrees in electronic form:

JURISDICTION OR LEGISLATORY BODY. Title of the law or decree. Syllabus transcribed as published and suppressed if too long using [...]. City of publication: Publisher, Year of publication. Available at: http://www.enderecocompletododocumento. Accessed in: abbreviated day, month and year.


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Visual Essays

The Visual Essays must result from consolidated artistic research and be specially designed for publication in PÓS. This section considers works in which images play a central role, not limited to illustrating a text (if there is any), but expanding and complexifying its meaning.

  • Images and any accompanying text must be formatted for publication, ensuring that the presentation follows the magazine format (A4) and does not exceed 15 pages. Submissions must be made in an open PDF file, enabling reviewers to insert comments. Upon approval, pages containing mandatory information will be added at the beginning and end of the Visual Essay, formatted according to the PÓS Magazine standards.
  • If there are citations, they must follow ABNT standards.
  • All publications in Revista PÓS have a DOI registration, and the inclusion of a summary and keywords in three languages is mandatory, which can be chosen between Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Italian.
  • Visual Essays are subject to double-blind peer review, carried out by one reviewer.

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Artists' Writings

This section is dedicated to the experimental writing of Brazilian and international artists. The texts must be up to 6,000 words long and may be preceded by an introduction of up to 2,000 words. They must have a title, abstract and keywords in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

The Artists' Writings are subject to double-blind peer review, carried out by one reviewer.

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Reviews should address Brazilian and foreign publications launched in the last 24 months. They must have up to 2,500 words, present a brief title and the complete technical file of the reviewed work. The quotations must come with the respective page number. Except for the above, the reviews should follow the rules of the articles and should therefore present an abstract, keywords and the version of the title in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

The Reviews are subject to double-blind peer review, carried out by one reviewer.

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Interviews are question-and-answer and should not exceed 8,000 words. They must present title, abstract and keywords in English, Portuguese and Spanish and follow the other rules for submission of articles.

The Interviews are subject to double-blind peer review, carried out by one reviewer.

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Translations to Portuguese

Translations to Portuguese will be evaluated according to the importance and relevance of the translated text and should not exceed 9,000 words. The original language of the translated text must be other than those accepted for submissions to this journal. In addition, they must follow the norms of the articles. They must also be accompanied by the author's authorization and the original text. (See Guidelines for authors - articles)

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Questions not addressed in these guidelines should be directed to

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.