A desconstrução do escravizado e o baixo número de revoltas no Vale do Paraíba fluminense
Why did the enslaved people not produce major revolts in the Paraíba Valley of Rio de Janeiro, where they made up 70% of the population in the 1830s-1840s? To understand the reasons, it is necessary to address the restriction on literate people imposed by the central government in the Portuguese colony, the policy of intensification of human trade from the mid-18th century onwards and the entire process that involved the main and most important workforce in the Portuguese colony. Portuguese empire. In American colonial lands, Africans were reborn as slaves, and were guided to develop a new sense of belonging after the entire process of deconstruction of their human condition, and were then transformed into the basis of the social structure under the blessing of the Church. . Thus, by reducing the scale of observation, we not only sought the possible reason for the low number of revolts, but also presented the process through which the enslaved were subjected; namely: survival; Rebirth; deconstruction; construction (belonging) and illiteracy.
Copyright (c) 2024 Alan de Carvalho Souza
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