Bolitioning as a reform project: controlled freedom


  • Ricardo Alves da Silva Santos Secretaria de Estado da Educação de Alagoas


ABSTRACT: In observing the Brazilian abolitionist movement in Alagoas's perspective, it is evident in the discourses conveyed in the newspapers that the question of the freedom of blacks was accompanied by the idea of ​​reform, that is, to abolish slavery in a safe way, without major damage to the economy and structure. A landmark in this reform was the Free Womb Law, seeking to solve the problem of the "servile element" through a reform that could reconcile the political and economic interests of dominant groups to maintain the status quo and avoid a "revolution" . From this law opened a period in which abolitionist propaganda was characterized as such and from it emerged two projects for the end of slavery: that of the emancipators and that of the abolitionists. The former defended the end of slave labor through Parliament, with laws that would guarantee the owners' compensation and gradually. The abolitionists, however, were supporters of an immediate and unjust Abolition.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Alves da Silva Santos, Secretaria de Estado da Educação de Alagoas

Mestrando em História pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas

