Vargas Llosa, sob as perspectivas de campo e habitus


  • Mateus Barroso Sacoman Unifai


Mario Vargas Llosa, Peruvian writer and Nobel Prize for Literature in 2010, is acknowledged as one of the greatest intellectuals in Latin America and uses his novels, among other literary genres, as expressions of his intellectual concerns and instruments of intervention in the debates on the problems presented by Latin American societies, especially Peru. Thus, the present article aims to explore Pierre Bourdieu 's formulations of field and habitus as important keys to understanding the positions taken by Vargas Llosa, more specifically how he inserts and pleads for a place in the field - as an engaged writer - deepening, concomitantly , the vargasllosian visions of literature, the role of the writer and the function of the novel, positioning himself as an intellectual who also acts through words.


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