Educational processes in colonial and postcolonial dynamics in Cape Verde: new approaches, methodological questions and procedures

novas abordagens, questões e procedimentos metodológicos



In this study I develop reflections on the history of colonial and postcolonial education in Cape Verde, emphasizing the historical perspectives and contemporary dynamics of educational processes in Cape Verde. It is a reflection on one of the most relevant problems for the understanding of the educational processes in Cape Verde within the framework of its political, social and cultural transformations in the postcolonial period. On this basis, the historical methodology outlined here does not seek to recover a condensed and single track past, but rather to bring together, in the context of the reflections on this subject in Cape Verde, the subsidies of the various readings of the educational processes, thematic and problematic that these different looks - based on historiographical traditions and epistemologies of disparate knowledge - engendered, and in them to find the threads of a crossed history of school culture in the insular  space of Cape Verde.



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