A estruturação das aulas particulares frente ao sistema régio

Perspectivas e vislumbres das práticas educativas e seus lugares sociais em Minas Gerais – Séculos XVIII e XIX


  • Luísa Pádua Zanon UFMG


Over time much has been postulated about educational practices in Brazil Cologne. In this respect, most of these works have directed their eyes to the pombaline reforms and the question of the “royal teachers” (professores régios). However, there remains a constant among many others: the presence of private teacher in the midst of the “royal system”. Thus, one point here, therefore, is a problematization about how this scenario was configured and under what aspects it existed. Through documentation and cataloging of the “royal” and private teachers and, concomitantly, a range of the period dating from 1760 to 1820, puts up as the object of analysis the Comarca of the Rio das Velhas – with a focus on the localities of Sabará and Santa Luzia – in a way that, from this, it becomes possible to do a comparative research and realize the concomitant action of these two groups. Like this, it is inferred the relation of these individuals to the social scope, such as their networks of sociability. Of paramount importance, this research provides a clarification of the ideals about Brazil and its processes and practices of social conformation.


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