Teaching of indian history, Critical Interculturality, and de-colonial education (6th year of the school Profession, Manoel Torres, Brejo do Cruz/PB, 2017)


  • Leomar Oliveira Diniz Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


It discusses the teaching of indigenous history in dialogue with critical and decolonial intercultural education, aiming to deconstruct the stereotyped discourse on indigenous peoples. A workshop was held, with two 45-minute classes, in the 6th grade class of Elementary School II. In methodological terms: the written activities and the traineeship report were investigated by the discourse analysis proposed by Eni P. Orlandi. The analysis of the activities and the in-room discussions of the students showed critical-reflection capacities, seeing the indigenous groups as historical agents and their ethnic-cultural specificities and the distancing of the colonial discourse that inferiorized the indigenous peoples. Thus, this dialogue allows to break with certain visions on the indigenous, respecting the difference and valuing it.


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